C# await is the
Haskell do notation

written by Ruud van Asseldonk

As a follow-up to the task monad, let’s make a comparison between the new async and await syntax in C# 5, and the do notation in Haskell. Two constructs that might seem unrelated at first, allow code to be written in a form that is exactly the same.

The do notation

Haskellers figured out that monads could be used to do IO a long time ago, but it was clumsy. Consider the classic example of asking a user for a name and printing it back. In Haskell, we would start with:

askFirstName = putStrLn "What is your first name?" >> getLine
askLastName  = putStrLn "What is your last name?"  >> getLine
sayHi firstName lastName = putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ firstName ++
                           " " ++ lastName ++ "."

For those new to Haskell, the >> operator here sequences two operations, so that the message is printed before a name is read. The $ is like an opening parenthesis with an implicit closing parenthesis, and ++ concatenates strings.

In normal, synchronous C#, this could be written as follows:

string AskFirstName()
  Console.WriteLine("What is your first name?");
  return Console.ReadLine();

string AskLastName()
  Console.WriteLine("What is your last name?");
  return Console.ReadLine();

void SayHi(string firstName, string lastName)
  Console.WriteLine("Hello {0} {1}.", firstName, lastName);

Now these functions and methods need to be composed to create the program. Without the do notation, the Haskell version is acceptable, but misleading. The indentation that I use here is allowed, but it hides the fact that lambdas are nested deeper and deeper.

main = askFirstName
       >>= \firstName -> askLastName
       >>= \lastName -> sayHi firstName lastName

The >>= is the monadic ‘bind’ operator, which in this case ensures that its left hand side (the previous line) is executed before its right hand side. In Haskell, the \ introduces a lambda function, with arguments before the ->, and the body after it. The C# analog looks more comprehensible:

void Main()
  string firstName = AskFirstName();
  string lastName  = AskLastName();
  SayHi(firstName, lastName);

Expressing this kind of sequential code imperatively just makes more sense, so the Haskell people came up with the do notation. The do notation allows one to write the following:

main = do
       firstName <- askFirstName
       lastName  <- askLastName
       sayHi firstName lastName

As you can see, this resembles an imperative programming style. The compiler translates it into the first version. With monads and the do notation, Haskell has powerful tools to write pure progams in a convenient manner.

Re-discovering the wheel

So far, the C# version has been synchronous. What if Console offered asynchronous methods? This might seem far-fetched, but if you replace our simple example with a network socket in a high-performance web service, it makes a lot of sense to use asynchronous tasks if the work is IO-bound. Let’s pretend that we have AskFirstNameAsync which asks for a name and reads it from the console in a non-blocking way. It should return a Task<string>. Similarly, we need AskLastNameAsync, and SayHiAsync which returns a Task. If we use some of the Then methods that I have talked about before, the async program could be written as follows:

Task MainAsync()
  return AskFirstNameAsync()
  .Then(firstName => AskLastNameAsync()
  .Then(lastName => SayHiAsync(firstName, lastName)));

Except for syntactic differences, this version has exactly the same form as the first Haskell attempt. (Note that the indentation is misleading here as well.) Just like the Haskellers, the C# people recognised that this is a not the best way to write non-blocking code, so they introduced await. With await, the code can be re-written as follows:

async Task MainAsync()
  string firstName = await AskFirstNameAsync();
  string lastName = await AskLastNameAsync();
  await SayHiAsync(firstName, lastName);

Better indeed, but the remarkable thing is — this code has exactly the same structure as the Haskell version with do notation! I do not know whether the C# designers were inspired by the do notation, but it is striking that the constructs are so similar, both in the clumsy syntax, as well as the improved syntax. Also note the similarity between asynchronous C# and Haskell: Haskell code naturally has this asynchronous form, and it supports non-blocking IO with minimal effort.

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