Continuations revisited

written by Ruud van Asseldonk

A while ago I wrote about how Task<T> is a monad, and about how that simplifies composition. Today, I want to look at observables, and how they can be used as a replacement for tasks.

Observables, which are part of the Reactive Framework (Rx), are not yet included in the .NET base class library. The easiest way to get them is through NuGet. A lot has been written about Rx already, and there are some great videos on Channel 9 as well. IObservable<T> is the dual of IEnumerable<T>. If IEnumerable<T> is a ‘pull’-based model, then IObservable<T> is ‘push’. It can push values to an observer, as well as an ‘end-of-sequence’ signal or an error.

Tasks vs. observables

Let’s compare this to Task<T>. A Task<T> represents a value of T that is either available, or will be available in the future. Additionally, the task catches exceptions, so instead of resulting in a value in the future, it might result in an exception instead. This maps directly to observables: an observable represents values that will be pushed in the future, but it might push an exception instead. The difference is that an IObservable<T> might push multiple values of T, whereas a Task<T> will result in at most one value of T.

A task can be continued with a delegate: the delegate will be called when the task is completed. This is exactly a push-based model! You register a continuation in advance, and the task will call it when the value is available. With observables, you subscribe an observer, on which the OnNext method will be called when the value is ready. There is a striking similarity between tasks and observables here, and it seems that ‘one-shot observables’ (which push only one value) can replace tasks. This is indeed the case, and Rx even provides extension methods to convert between the two.

Let’s consider the scenario of the previous post again, but now using observables. We have classes A, B, C, and D, and the following methods:

IObservable<B> Method1(A a) { ... }
IObservable<C> Method2(B b) { ... }
IObservable<D> Method3(C c) { ... }

I am looking for an elegant composition operation that allows me to chain these methods together. Task<T> turned out to be a monad, and the monadic composition operation (bind), was exactly the operation that I was looking for. IObservable<T> is a monad as well, so maybe its implementation of bind is what I am looking for here? The method with the right signature is called SelectMany. Given an IObservable<T> and a Func<T, IObservable<U>>, it creates an IObservable<U>. It turns out, that this is indeed the correct composition operation, and that it represents continuations! Composition is as easy as:

IObservable<D> Composed(A a)
  return Method1(a).SelectMany(Method2).SelectMany(Method3);

The method name is not very descriptive here, and using SelectMany to do Then seems rather odd. SelectMany is a LINQ operator inherited from enumerables, so we are stuck with it. Note that because Rx is so widely applicable it cannot have one name that describes every behaviour of bind. (Therefore it is usually called ‘bind’, which has little intrinsic meaning outside of monads. Haskell even avoids all intrinsic meaning by using a symbol.) In practice, adding aliases for existing methods ultimately leads to more confusion, so I would not recommend to make an extension method Then which is a SelectMany in disguise. (For a real life example of methods that make things “easier”: when should you use Stream.Close, and when Stream.Dispose? Hint: the documentation for framework 4.0 differs from 4.5.)

On a side note: as opposed to Task<T>, IObservable<T> does implement the full set of monadic operations by default. The implementation of ‘return’ — which takes a T and returns an IObservable<T> — is simply called Return.

More composition

Let’s consider a different scenario, and solve it with tasks as well as observables. Given a list of objects (say, of type A), first appy method M1 to them in parallel. When all of the calls are done, apply method M2 in parallel, and then block until all those calls are done.

Even though the Task Parallel Library has ContinueWhenAll, I still find this clumsy without C# 5 await support:

IEnumerable<A> objects = ...

var tasks1 = objects.Select(a => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => a.M1()));
var task = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks1.ToArray(), _ =>
  var tasks2 = objects.Select(a => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => a.M2()));

// Do something while the tasks are running, then wait.

Again, tasks lack a composition operation, the current solution does not scale well. What if I wanted to call M1M7 sequentially (but the methods applied to the instances in parallel)? Furthermore, the continuation blocks, which wastes a thread. Let’s try that again, using the Then method from the previous post:

Func<IEnumerable<A>, Action<A>, Task> doParallel = (xs, action) =>
  var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
  var tasks = xs.Select(a => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => action(a)));
  Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks.ToArray(), _ => tcs.SetResult(null));
  return tcs.Task;

IEnumerable<A> objects = ...

var task =  doParallel(objects, a => a.M1())
.Then(() => doParallel(objects, a => a.M2()));

// Do something while the tasks are running, then wait.

This does scale to more continuations, and it does not waste a thread. It still has a problem though: exceptions are not handled properly. It would require a lot of boilerplate code to solve this quite trivial problem. .NET 4.5 improves the situation a bit, there you can use:

Func<IEnumerable<A>, Action<A>, Task> doParallel = (xs, action) =>
  var tasks = xs.Select(a => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => action(a)));
  return Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());

This will handle exceptions correctly as well. There might be a better solution that I am unaware of though, please let me know if you have one!

How about observables? I find this version more attractive than its TPL equivalent:

IEnumerable<A> objects = ...

var observables = Observable.Concat
  objects.ToObservable().SelectMany(a => Observable.Start(() => a.M1())),
  objects.ToObservable().SelectMany(a => Observable.Start(() => a.M2()))
.Publish(); // Do not wait until subscription.

// Do something while the observables are running, then wait.

It scales well to many continuations, it is simple, and it handles exceptions properly. One thing I find remarkable, is that Rx was not specifically designed for this scenario: it provides elegant solutions to many problem domains!

Note that in this case, PLINQ is even easier, if you do not need the calling thread to do anything in parallel with the calls:

IEnumerable<A> objects = ...

objects.AsParallel().ForAll(a => a.M1());
objects.AsParallel().ForAll(a => a.M2());

However, PLINQ only provides a solution to very basic problems. What if there was an M1Async, that returns either a Task or IObservable<Unit>? Converting it to a synchronous method by appending .Wait() works, but in the case of PLINQ this wastes a thread per concurrent call. The TPL and Rx ways above actually become simpler for M1Async, because asynchronicity need not be introduced explicitly any more.

TL;DR: although the Task Parallel Library greatly simplified asynchronous programming in C#, observables can do anything tasks can do, with the additional benefit of better composability.

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