Writing a path
tracer in Rust

Part V


written by Ruud van Asseldonk

As a learning exercise, I am porting the Luculentus spectral path tracer to Rust. You can follow the port on GitHub. This post will outline how an image is generated from rays, and I will highlight some of the differences between C++ and Rust.


There are several things that a spectral path tracer must do, and tracing rays is only one of them. Eventually, the intensities of all the light paths have to be converted into an image. In Luculentus, this is a multi-stage process, and every stage has its own unit that performs the work.

Path tracing is an incremental process. Rays are generated at random, and the more rays are rendered, the better the image will be. Therefore multiple trace units and plot units are recycled in a loop: the trace unit traces some rays, the plot unit plots them, and the process continues. To watch the result evolve, the tonemap unit periodically generates an image.

Trace units

The trace unit chooses a wavelength in the visible spectrum and a point on the screen at random. The camera converts these into a ray. In the previous post I outlined how materials and surfaces are then used to determine the intensity of the given ray. The trace unit does this a fixed number of times, and stores the screen position, wavelength, and intensity (together a mapped photon) in a buffer.

In C++, it is done as follows:

void TraceUnit::Render()
    for (auto& mappedPhoton : mappedPhotons)
        const float wavelength = monteCarloUnit.GetWavelength();
        const float x = monteCarloUnit.GetBiUnit();
        const float y = monteCarloUnit.GetBiUnit() / aspectRatio;
        mappedPhoton.wavelength = wavelength;
        mappedPhoton.x = x;
        mappedPhoton.y = y;
        mappedPhoton.probability = RenderCameraRay(x, y, wavelength);

Hidden in this piece of code, is that TraceUnit has a pointer to the scene that is used by RenderCameraRay. The scene is initialised once when the program starts, and it is immutable afterwards. Because only reads are required to intersect the scene, multiple threads can render the same scene simultaneously. The scene is only deleted after all rendering has stopped.

In Rust, the main trace loop looks like this:

pub fn render(&mut self, scene: &Scene) {
    for mapped_photon in self.mapped_photons.iter_mut() {
        let wavelength = ::monte_carlo::get_wavelength();
        let x = ::monte_carlo::get_bi_unit();
        let y = ::monte_carlo::get_bi_unit() / self.aspect_ratio;
        mapped_photon.wavelength = wavelength;
        mapped_photon.x = x;
        mapped_photon.y = y;
        mapped_photon.probability =
            TraceUnit::render_camera_ray(scene, x, y, wavelength);

I struggled a lot with who should own the scene in Rust. At first, the TraceUnit had a pointer to the scene just like the C++ version, but this required lifetime annotations everywhere:

pub struct TraceUnit<'s> {
    scene: &'s Scene,

When you store a pointer in a struct in Rust, you have to specify for how long the pointer is valid. There are no dangling pointers in Rust. The compiler can ensure that because it knows the lifetime of the pointee, which is part of the type. The type &'s Scene is a pointer to a Scene that is valid for the lifetime 's. As you can see, TraceUnit now requires a lifetime parameter. This is infectious, in the way that const is in C++: now everything that owns a TraceUnit also takes a lifetime parameter, and suddenly there are lifetimes everywhere.

I struggeld some more with this, stumbling from compiler error to compiler error. Rust forces you to get ownership right, and I think in the end it also led to a better design. I finally settled for the render method taking a pointer to the scene. This moves burden of ownership to the caller of render. As there can be various threads rendering, every thread has its own Arc<Scene>. Arc is an atomically reference-counted pointer. This allows the scene to be shared among threads, and it will be deleted when there are no more arcs pointing to it.

One caveat here is that to use Scene with Arc, it has to implement the traits Send and Sync. These traits cannot be implemented manually, only by the compiler. A struct is Send and Sync if all its members are. This way, the compiler enforces thread-safety at compile time. However, Scene initially was not Send and Sync, because it contains objects that contain a Box<Surface>. A type implementing the Surface trait need not implement Send or Sync, so the box could not be proven thread-safe, and therefore the scene could not be proven thread safe. The resolution (thanks to the IRC channel again!) was to explicitly require the contents of the box to be Send and Sync:

pub struct Object {
    pub surface: Box<Surface + Send + Sync>,
    pub material: MaterialBox

MaterialBox was also updated accordingly, and then everything compiled just fine.

Plot units

The next thing to do is to convert the ray intensities to a colour, and plot a pixel to the canvas. This is done by a plot unit. Luculentus uses the CIE XYZ colour space internally, because it is a linear colour space. This means that it is safe to treat colours as vectors, and add them together. (This is not valid in e.g. sRGB.) The plot unit has an internal canvas that starts out black. The unit then loops trough all mapped photons that were stored by a trace unit. A lookup table is used to convert a wavelength into a CIE XYZ tristimulus value. Two such tables exist: CIE 1931 and CIE 1964, the CIE standard observers. Luculentus can use either one, but I only ported the 1931 observer.

In C++:

void PlotUnit::Plot(const TraceUnit& traceUnit)
    for (auto photon : traceUnit.mappedPhotons)
        Vector3 cie = Cie1931::GetTristimulus(photon.wavelength);
        PlotPixel(photon.x, photon.y, cie * photon.probability);

The Rust version is almost identical:

pub fn plot(&mut self, photons: &[MappedPhoton]) {
    for ref photon in photons.iter() {
        let cie = ::cie1931::get_tristimulus(photon.wavelength);
        self.plot_pixel(photon.x, photon.y, cie * photon.probability);

It takes a slice of mapped photons instead of the entire unit, which is a bit nicer because it does not ask for more than it needs. This could be done in C++ as well, but that would needlessly complicate the code. PlotPixel plots the tristimulus value anti-aliased to the canvas.

The tonemap unit

The gather unit simply accumulates buffers which is not that interesting, so I’ll jump straight to the tonemap unit. The tonemapping algorithm in Luculentus is just a toy algorithm. It is by no means physically correct, but it does produce a nice image.

The first step is to determine the average lightness and standard deviation of the image. This will make the exposure appear constant regardless of the scene or number of rays traced. In the CIE XYZ colour space, the Y component represents lightness, so we can just take the mean Y component. The desired maximum lightness is one standard deviation above average. Anything lighter will saturate.

float TonemapUnit::FindExposure(const GatherUnit& gatherUnit) const
    float n = static_cast<float>(imageWidth * imageHeight);
    auto& tristimuli = gatherUnit.tristimulusBuffer;

    float mean = std::accumulate(tristimuli.begin(), tristimuli.end(), 0.0f,
                 [](float a, Vector3 cie) { return a + cie.y; }) / n;

    float sqrMean = std::accumulate(tristimuli.begin(), tristimuli.end(), 0.0f,
                    [](float a, Vector3 cie) { return a + cie.y * cie.y; }) / n;
    float variance = sqrMean - mean * mean;

    return mean + std::sqrt(variance);

Although C++ is not generally considered a functional language, std::accumulate has been part of the standard library since well before C++11. The Rust version is again similar. There is no need to use fold (Rust’s version of accumulate), because Rust has map and sum:

fn find_exposure(&self, tristimuli: &[Vector3]) -> f32 {
    let n = (self.image_width * self.image_height) as f32;

    let mean = tristimuli.iter().map(|cie| cie.y).sum() / n;

    let sqr_mean = tristimuli.iter().map(|cie| cie.y * cie.y).sum() / n;
    let variance = sqr_mean - mean * mean;

    mean + variance.sqrt()

Rust is more concise here, mainly due to the simpler lambda syntax. Brackets are optional, the argument types are inferred, and return is implicit as always in Rust. Also, I am starting to like this method call syntax for mathematical functions!

The tristimulus values are scaled by the exposure just computed. Then we take the logarithm to simulate the light response of film, and finally we transform CIE XYZ to sRGB, and clamp the components to the range [0, 1]. The CIE XYZ to sRGB tranformation is just a matrix multiplication followed by the sRGB gamma function, which is not very interesting. What is interesting, is the loop itself. The source is a buffer of Vector3, but the destination is a buffer of bytes, where every pixel takes three bytes.

In C++, we use a regular loop to iterate over all pixels:

void TonemapUnit::Tonemap(const GatherUnit& gatherUnit)
    float maxIntensity = FindExposure(gatherUnit);

    for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth * imageHeight; i++)
        Vector3 cie = gatherUnit.tristimulusBuffer[i];

        // < Convert to sRGB >

        rgbBuffer[i * 3 + 0] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(r * 255);
        rgbBuffer[i * 3 + 1] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(g * 255);
        rgbBuffer[i * 3 + 2] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(b * 255);

Rust has some neat features that make this more convenient. By using chunks_mut, we can iterate over chunks of three bytes. Then we can zip every chunk with the corresponding tristimulus:

pub fn tonemap(&mut self, tristimuli: &[Vector3]) {
    let max_intensity = self.find_exposure(tristimuli);
    let buffer = self.rgb_buffer[mut].chunks_mut(3);

    for (px, cie) in buffer.zip(tristimuli.iter()) {
        // < Convert to sRGB >

        px[0] = (r * 255.0) as u8;
        px[1] = (g * 255.0) as u8;
        px[2] = (b * 255.0) as u8;

I also like Rust’s cast. It is less intrusive than the C++ one.


Altough the C++ and Rust snippets in this post are very much alike, there is a big difference: the Rust code is guaranteed to be memory safe and thread safe. The C++ code may be memory safe and thread safe, but it need not be. If your design was safe in the first place, these guarantees come at little extra cost. However, the compiler refuses to compile anything that might be unsafe. This forces you to think your design through up front. You cannot just write some code and go and fix the memory leaks later on. The compiler errors do point out valid problems in your code, and I think this guides you to the correct solution. With Rust, I spent more time fixing compiler errors than I spent debugging runtime errors. In C++, it tends to be the other way around. This is something that does not show in the final code.

Next time I will discuss how these units work together to utilise all available computing power, and I will elaborate on multithreading.

Discuss this post on Reddit. Rust 0.12.0-pre-nightly was used in this post.

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